United States: China Service Medal. With United States Navy reverse United States: China Service Medal. With United States Navy reverse

United States: China Service Medal. With United States Navy reverse

Medal planchet with knob and loose ring suspension

Medal riband fitted with original mounting brooch with intricate hinged pin & drop latch clasp fitting. The reverse of mounting brooch with official Federal Government Contractors mark 'G27'

The China Service Medal was exclusively awarded to U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel. The medal was instituted by Navy Department General Order No. 176 on 1 July 1942, and was awarded for services in China and Chinese waters between 1939-195

Qualifying service for the award of the medal was service in China and Chinese waters between 7 July 1937, and 7 September 1939, and from 2 September 1945 to 1 April 1957

Condition: EF

Code: 19797