Belgium: A confirmed & documented Second World War female 'Resistance' volunteers medal pair: Melanie Beatrix Louise Poncelet, 'Secrete Armee' (Secret Army) Group. Belgian Resistance
- Resistance Medal 1940-1945 (dated 1 March 1950)
- Medal of the Combatant War Volunteer (dated 6 November 1969)
Sold together with below original named and dated ephemera:
- Award diploma for Resistance Medal 1940-45
- Award diploma for Medal of the Combatant War Volunteer
- Letter from Ministry of Pensions dated 13 November 1967
- Card from Ministry of Pensions dated 13 December 1967
The female recipient was Melanie Beatrix Louise Poncelot, and a confirmed member of the Belgian Resistance. Poncelet was the recipients maiden name, and after marriage she became Madame Delsaux-Poncelet, her husband's surname being Delsaux.
Melanie Beatrix Louise Poncelot was a native of Mesnil Eglise, located in Namur, Belgium. where she was born on, 21 June 1903
During the Second World War, and the Nazi Occupation of Belgium, Melanie is confirmed as having served as a 'Resistant' (member of the resistance) with the 'Secrete Armee' (Secret Army), the largest of the Belgian Resistance groups between 1 September 1941 through 9 September 1944 - more then 3 years service
The inclusion of the Medal of the Combatant War Volunteer indicates that Melanie had volunteered and served under-fire as a volunteer 'Resistant' during the Second World War
The Pensions Letters in French language were addressed to Madame Melanie Delsaux-Poncelet residing at, Rue le Massinet 338, Gedinne, Belgium
The ribands on the 2 x medals fitted with two-pronged mounting pins, or 'epingles' as worn in the traditional Belgian style
Condition: Medals EF
Code: 21219