Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal: GV issue. Un-named
The medal is un-named as struck & issued ex Royal Mint
Instituted in 1899, the basic award criteria for the medal was 20 years continuous or aggregated service in the colonial auxiliary forces of the British Empire
Note however, the medal was not awarded in 'all' colonies, it was never awarded in Kenya, Uganda, India or Burma. The medal was made obsolete in 1930, when it was replaced by awards of the Efficiency Medal
Similarly, the medal was not uniformly awarded in all colonies or dominions from 1899, as many colonies only introduced the medal for award many years after 1899!
Reference 'The Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal' (J.M.A. Tamplin. 1984). The below following numbers of gazetted medals were traced by the author, to members of the, Ceylon, Hong Kong, Straits Settlements & Federated Malay States, Colonial Auxiliary Forces. As other documented awards have been recorded since then, the figures here shown are only estimates:
- Ceylon: x 416 (earliest recorded 18 October 1901)
- Hong Kong Colony: x 4 (earliest recorded 25 January 1902)
- Federated Malay States: x 101 (earliest recorded 13 March 1914)
- Straits Settlements: x 83 (earliest recorded 6 September 1901)
Condition: GVF
Code: 21500