United States: Merchant Marine Expeditionary Force Medal (Established 1990-) United States: Merchant Marine Expeditionary Force Medal (Established 1990-)

United States: Merchant Marine Expeditionary Force Medal (Established 1990-)

Medal riband fitted with original mounting brooch with intricate hinged pin and drop latch clasp fitting, the bar with Federal Government contractors mark 'Graco-GI'

This medal does not have specific theatre clasps, but is awarded for defined qualifying geographic service in specified 'Operations', including in South East Asia.

To date the medal has been awarded to qualifying seamen for the below specified 'Operations;

1. Desert Shield
2. Desert Storm
3. Enduring Freedom (for Philippines / Afghanistan / Horn of Africa)
4. Iraqi Freedom

Merchant Marine Expeditionary Medal: Established in 1990 to recognize U.S. Merchant Mariners who served on U.S.-flag ships in support of U.S. military and allied forces. This medal was first awarded for service in Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. The medal is also authorized for mariners who served in Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and IRAQI FREEDOM

See below link for US service (including Merchant Marine) in Philippines during 'Enduring Storm' combatting 'Abu Sayyaf' & 'Jemaah Islamiyah' terrorist groups.....


Condition: EF

Code: 21840