United States: Antarctica Service Medal 1946- United States: Antarctica Service Medal 1946- United States: Antarctica Service Medal 1946- United States: Antarctica Service Medal 1946- United States: Antarctica Service Medal 1946-

United States: Antarctica Service Medal 1946-

Medal mounted on a 9mm crimp brooch. The reverse of the brooch retaining the original hinged pin and intricate drop lock clasp fittings as issued. This marked with Federal Government Contractor marks for 'Graco-Gi'

The 9mm brooch indicates a post 1990 era issue

The Antarctica Service Medal (ASM) was established by the United States Congress on July 7, 1960, with awards retroactive to 1946. The medal is still in current service

Since 1 June 1973, the basic qualifying criteria for the award of the medal only, is a minimum of 30 x days ashore or afloat south of latitude 60 degrees south

Three grades of 'Wintered Over' clasps have been authorised for award with the medal, in bronze, gold (gilt) and silver for recipients who have have spent qualifying time in Antarctica over the 'Winter Months' period, which in Antarctica is between May-October. The bronze clasp denotes a recipient who has spent one winter in Antarctica; the gold clasp denotes two winters spent in Antarctica, while the award of the silver clasp denotes a recipient who has qualified by spending three or more periods of qualifying service in Antarctica during the months of the 'Antarctic Winter'

Condition: EF

Code: 22060