Honourable East India Company Medal for Seringapatam 1799. Pewter. Calcutta Mint Honourable East India Company Medal for Seringapatam 1799. Pewter. Calcutta Mint Honourable East India Company Medal for Seringapatam 1799. Pewter. Calcutta Mint Honourable East India Company Medal for Seringapatam 1799. Pewter. Calcutta Mint

Honourable East India Company Medal for Seringapatam 1799. Pewter. Calcutta Mint

The medal fitted with a white metal clip and replacement pewter ring suspension

An un-named and un-attributed late 19th Century re-strike, with dimension 45mm struck from dies of the the Calcutta Mint

Note: The obverse of the medal with usual die crack flaw to exergue

Seringapatam medals were meant to be worn, but there was no fixed riband or method for wear, The medal commonly found with a variety of customised suspesnions, and ribands including Golden moire, Army Gold Cross, MGS and Waterloo ribands. This example fitted with a silk moire riband akin to the Waterloo Medal

Reference: Early Indian Campaigns and the Decorations Awarded for them (Major H. Biddulph, 1914), the author - an India Service officer with considerable knowledge of early Indian campaign medals - lamenting on the practices of re-strikes and medals awarded or given to persons not entitled or present, wrote 109 years ago:


The dies of the Seringapatam Medal, English die are in private hands, and those of other medals at the Calcutta Mint: as it is only within the last few years that the Calcutta Mint has been prohibited from issuing re-strikes, they are by no means uncommon


Condition: GF

Code: 22497