British Police: Thames Valley Constabulary.  EIIR Queen's Crown 'Helmet' plate British Police: Thames Valley Constabulary.  EIIR Queen's Crown 'Helmet' plate

British Police: Thames Valley Constabulary. EIIR Queen's Crown 'Helmet' plate

The reverse of the helmet plate complete with all 3 x original loop fitting as issued

Thames Valley Constabulary (later re-styled as Thames Valley Police) was established on 1 April 1968, at which time the hitherto independent police forces of the Royal County of Berkshire, the county of Buckinghamshire, the county of Oxfordshire, the City of Oxford and county borough of Reading Thames Valley Police, were amalgamated to form a new police force. The force is the territorial police force responsible for policing the Thames Valley, covering the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. It the largest non-metropolitan police force in England and Wales, covering 2,218 square miles (5,740 km2) and a population of 2.42 million people

Condition: EF

Code: 22889

20.00 GBP