Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880 (Rifleman  (Rifleman Bhugutbeer Thappa 2nd Goorkha Regt) Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880 (Rifleman  (Rifleman Bhugutbeer Thappa 2nd Goorkha Regt) Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880 (Rifleman  (Rifleman Bhugutbeer Thappa 2nd Goorkha Regt) Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880 (Rifleman  (Rifleman Bhugutbeer Thappa 2nd Goorkha Regt)

Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880 (Rifleman (Rifleman Bhugutbeer Thappa 2nd Goorkha Regt)

The recipient was a Nepalese soldier of Gurkha ethnicity and Hindu faith from the Western region of Nepal, who served as a Rifleman in the 2nd Goorkha (The Sirmoor Rifle) Regiment of the Bengal Army Bhugutbeer would have also been entitled to an Afghanistan War Medal 18978-80 with at lest the clasp 'Kanadahr', and most likely the earlier clasp 'Kabul' - his unit was not present or entitled to any other clasps

During their service in Afghanistan 2nd Goorkha Regiment was one of three Goorkha Regiments to serve in the epic 'Kabul to Kanadhar' forced march, the other's being the 4th and 5th Goorkha Regiments

8 x Goorkha's of 2nd Goorkha Regiment, were decorated with the 3rd Class Indian Order of Merit, for their respective acts of gallantry during the Second Afghan War

In 1891, all Goorkha Regiments, were restyled as 'Gurkha Rifle' Regiments

Condition: About GVF

Code: 24064