A Naval Officer, Second World War campaign medal pair: Lieutenant-Commander Cornelius Adriaan Schoute-Vanneck, South African Navy, late Cape Fortress Detachment, South African Naval Force & Seaward Defence Force A Naval Officer, Second World War campaign medal pair: Lieutenant-Commander Cornelius Adriaan Schoute-Vanneck, South African Navy, late Cape Fortress Detachment, South African Naval Force & Seaward Defence Force A Naval Officer, Second World War campaign medal pair: Lieutenant-Commander Cornelius Adriaan Schoute-Vanneck, South African Navy, late Cape Fortress Detachment, South African Naval Force & Seaward Defence Force

A Naval Officer, Second World War campaign medal pair: Lieutenant-Commander Cornelius Adriaan Schoute-Vanneck, South African Navy, late Cape Fortress Detachment, South African Naval Force & Seaward Defence Force

- War Medal (70763 C. A. Schoute-Vanneck)
- Africa Service Medal (70763 C. A. Schoute-Vanneck)

Important: The recipients unique service number was in the Union Defence Force block 69376 - 72375 that was allocated to the 'Seaward Defence Force' the force that was formerly known as the South African Naval Service, and which was re-styled 'Seaward Defence Force' from 1 September 1939 - the force subsequently morphed to become the South African Naval Force. The recipient being confirmed serving as an Electrical Sub-Lieutenant from 13 December 1941

Cornelius Adriaan Schoute-Vanneck was a post-War Scientist in the Department of Physics, University of Natal, Durban, who wrote the below following academic papers:

'Magnetospheric Propogation of VLF Waves from France to South Africa' (Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestial Physics, 1959); 'The Electron Density, Distribtion in the Magnetosphere Derived from Whistling Data' (Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestial Physics, 1963); '27kHz Radio Transmissions Observed and Sunrise and Sunet in South Africa' (Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestial Physics, 1968); and 'VFL Radio Transmission ay Sunrise' (US Journal of Geophysical Research, 1974)

The medals mounted as-worn by the recipient in the swing-style. The silk medal ribands suspended from a white-metal medal mounting bar, this retaining its original long hinged pin & clasp fittings

Condition: GVF

Code: 24068