A Merchant Seaman's World Wars Multi-Campaign medal group of 7: Steward Sidney Jones Merchant Navy late Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary
- British War Medal. Silver issue (S. Jones. A.B. M.F.A.)
- Mercantile Marine War Medal (Sidney Jones)
- Interallied Victory Medal (S. Jones. A.B. M.F.A.)
- The 1939-45 Star. No clasp
- The Atlantic Star
- The Pacific Star
- War Medal 1939-45
Sold together with:
- Contemporary two row silk riband bar with 7 x ribands. Reverse of mounting bar retaining the long hinged pin and clasp fitting
- Merchant Navy Cloth and Wire Bullion Cap Badge attached to cap band
Positively attributed unique name recipient: There were two men of the same name 'Sidney Jones' in the British Mercantile Marine who were entitled to the Mercantile Marine Medal for service during the Great War. However only one of those, No. 762268 (the Merchant Navy Discharge Number issued to Seamen on joining the Merchant Navy), would serve in the Merchant Navy during the Second World War and was issued any Second World War Medals (the Board of Trade Medal Rolls refer). There were 3 x British Merchant Seaman called Sidney Jones on the Board of Trade Medal Rolls for the Second World War, of which only No. 762268 had previously served during the Great War
Medals verification: All medals verified per the respective cited Admiralty and Board of Trade medal rolls / index cards
- British War Medal. Silver issue: ADM 171/131 ( Board of Trade Continuous Discharge No. 762268)
- Mercantile Marine War Medal: BT 351/1/73347
- Interallied Victory Medal: ADM 171/131 (Board of Trade Continuous Discharge No. 762268)
- The 1939-45 Star. No clasp: BT 395/1/51044
- The Atlantic Star. No clasp: BT 395/1/51044
- The Pacific Star. No clasp: BT 395/1/51044
- War Medal 1939-45: BT 395/1/51044
Medals verification: All medals verified per the respective cited Admiralty and Board of Trade medal rolls / index cards
Important: There are multiple searchable on-line Board of Trade records - and much else - pertaining to this Merchant Seaman's long sea-going service, naming ships, voyages and including photo ID's etc...
The medals mounted in the Court-Style. The reverse of the medal mounting bar retaining its long hinged pin and clasp fittings
Condition: The medals GVF-EF
Code: 24085
250.00 GBP