Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-18 (John Grisdale) Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-18 (John Grisdale) Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-18 (John Grisdale) Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-18 (John Grisdale) Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-18 (John Grisdale)

Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-18 (John Grisdale)

John Grisdale - a native of Liverpool - is confirmed as a unique name in the Medal Index Cards of the Mercantile Marine, that are held and accessible at The National Archives

Medal(s) verification: The recipients Great War medal entitlement is confirmed as being the British War Medal silver issue, and Mercantile Marine War Medal per the respective Board of Trade Medal Index Cards below referenced:

- British War Medal. Silver issue: BT 351/1/55267
- Mercantile Marine War Medal: BT 351/1/55267

John Grisdale, served as a Steward with the Mercantile Marine during the Great War in S.S. Celtic, S.S. Orduna, S.S. Baltic, S.S. Aquitania, S.S. Mauretania, S.S. Canada, S.S. Scotian and S.S. Olympic. He later died in Service on 3 October 1930, while sailing aboard in S.S. Britannic, on a return voyage form New York. His widow receiving the below quoted letter from a fellow crew-mate on the Britannic:

Quote (letter sent from Brook Lodge, The Crescent, Crossens, Southport on, 17 December 1933)

Dear Mrs Grisdale,

A friend of mine has written me and told me of your meeting and when asked, was pleased to be able to write you.

As we have never met each other, I might introduce myself as the attendant-in-charge at the time of your husbands death on the Britannic on I think it was Oct 3rd - incidentally it was my 21st birthday - on the run home from New York.

I must impress upon you right from him feeling cheery and laughing heartilyat 9-0 AM onthe day of his death (in which state I saw him myself) until he died at 10-0 at night he suffered no pain in any shape or form.

I was notified that he had taken ill at about 10-0 AM and he was taken in the hospital at 10.30 AM from which time I never left his bedside until he died at 11.0 PM, and I can fully assure you he never regained consciousness the whole of the time - I think you will agree that one couldn't have a more peaceful death than that.

I can fully realise how hard it must be, not to have seen him at the last, but I trust it will comfort you a little to know he died asleep like a baby without any pain.

I remain.

Yours sincerely

A. Burgess


Archive: Sold with an important archive of several original 'Continuous Certificates of Discharge Books' - there are 4 x Continuous Certificates of Discharge Books - and other ephemera - these being a comprehensive record of the very many voyages, that John Grisdale made in the period circa 1910-1933, including voyages to ports in Australia, India, Italy, West Indies, United States, Canada and South America. A superb archive, and rarely found complete for a period of more than twenty years

The ephemera & archive in good condition

Condition: The medal GVF

Note: Basis inclusion of the extensive ephemera / archive, this is a bulky and large lot, as reflected in the postage quoted

Condition: EF

Code: 24270

90.00 GBP