978 items found
Belgium: Commemorative Medal of the Reign of Leopold II (Medaille Commemorative du regne de Leopold II / Herinneringsmedaille aan de Regeerperiode van Leopold II 1865-1905)

Belgium: Commemorative Medal of the Reign of Leopold II (Medaille Commemorative du regne de Leopold II / Herinneringsmedaille aan de Regeerperiode van Leopold II 1865-1905)

The medal was originally established on 21 July 1905 by royal decree to commemorate the 40th year of the reign of King Leopold II

The basic award criteria for military recipients of the Belgian Armed Forces, and colonial uniformed services in the Congo and neighbouring territories, including 'Force Publique' was 1 years service between 1865-1909

Gilt metal
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Code: 23361

15.00 GBP

Belgium: Commemorative Medal of the Reign of Leopold II (Medaille Commemorative du regne de Leopold II / Herinneringsmedaille aan de Regeerperiode van Leopold II 1865-1905)

Belgium: Commemorative Medal of the Reign of Leopold II (Medaille Commemorative du regne de Leopold II / Herinneringsmedaille aan de Regeerperiode van Leopold II 1865-1905)

Fitted with a substitute British 'Zulu' War Medal riband!

The medal was originally established on 21 July 1905 by royal decree to commemorate the 40th year of the reign of King Leopold II

The basic award criteria for military recipients of the Belgian Armed Forces, and colonial uniformed services in the Congo and neighbouring territories, including 'Force Publique'...  read more

Code: 23360

15.00 GBP

Brazil (Republic): Commemorative Medal for the Centenary of the Birth of Lauro Muller. Silvered medal

Brazil (Republic): Commemorative Medal for the Centenary of the Birth of Lauro Muller. Silvered medal

The medal fitted with it original silk riband and medal mounting bar, this latter complete with hinged pin and clasp fittings as issued

Sold together with:

- Original plush hinged case of issue with logo of maker, Randal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Condition: EF  read more

Code: 23359

50.00 GBP

Bulgaria (Kingdom). War Medal 1915-1918

Bulgaria (Kingdom). War Medal 1915-1918

Sans riband

Condition: About EF  read more

Code: 23358

15.00 GBP

France: Military Medal (Medaille Militaire). 3rd Republic, 1870-1940 type, with obverse date '1870'

France: Military Medal (Medaille Militaire). 3rd Republic, 1870-1940 type, with obverse date '1870'

The medal with two Paris Mint 'Cornucopia' logos and numeral '1' marks on lower tie of obverse wreath

Note: This is the type of medal awarded throughout both the World Wars, including awards to Allied Forces personnel

Reference 'Medal to Australia' (Williams, 3rd Edition, 1990), a total of 57 awards of the 'Medal Militaire' were made to Australian personnel during ...  read more

Code: 23348

30.00 GBP

France: Cross of War 1914-1918 (Croix De Guerre 1914-1918). with 2 x Citation emblems (2 x Bronze Stars) on the riband. Reverse of cross dated 1914-1918

France: Cross of War 1914-1918 (Croix De Guerre 1914-1918). with 2 x Citation emblems (2 x Bronze Stars) on the riband. Reverse of cross dated 1914-1918

- 1 x Bronze Star = Citation at Regiment or Brigade level
- 1 x Silver Star = Citation at Division level

The bright 'stitched' silk moire riband suspended from a rod, or 'Boule' fitting, as worn in the French style

Condition: GVF  read more

Code: 23347

30.00 GBP

France: Cross of War 1914-1916 (Croix De Guerre 1914-1918). With 1 x bronze 'Palm' emblem. Reverse of cross dated 1914-1918

France: Cross of War 1914-1916 (Croix De Guerre 1914-1918). With 1 x bronze 'Palm' emblem. Reverse of cross dated 1914-1918

- 1 x Bronze 'Palm' = 1 x Citation at Army level

The decoration retaining its original silk 'moire' riband

Condition: GVF  read more

Code: 23346

25.00 GBP

France: War Cross for Exterior Theatres of Operation (Croix de Guerre des Theatres d' Operations Exterieurs (T.O.E.)

France: War Cross for Exterior Theatres of Operation (Croix de Guerre des Theatres d' Operations Exterieurs (T.O.E.)

Important: The CDG TOE was never awarded for service in the World Wars, and was never awarded to Allied Forces. The decoration was exclusively reserved for award to French and French Colonial personnel for services in many (but not all) colonial wars in the inter-war period and post 1945, including the Rif Wars, Levant, Morocco, Indochina & Korean War

Condition: VF  read more

Code: 23345

20.00 GBP

France: War Cross for Exterior Theatres of Operation (Croix de Guerre des Theatres d' Operations Exterieurs (T.O.E.)

France: War Cross for Exterior Theatres of Operation (Croix de Guerre des Theatres d' Operations Exterieurs (T.O.E.)

Important: The CDG TOE was never awarded for service in the World Wars, and was never awarded to Allied Forces. The decoration was exclusively reserved for award to French and French Colonial personnel for services in many (but not all) colonial wars in the inter-war period and post 1945, including the Rif Wars, Levant, Morocco, Indochina & Korean War

Condition: VF  read more

Code: 23344

20.00 GBP

France: Combatants Cross (Croix Du Combattant)

France: Combatants Cross (Croix Du Combattant)

Reverse of lower arm of cross with 'BR' (Bronze) hallmarks and Paris Mint 'Cornucopia' mark

Basic award criteria for this decoration is 90 days service in a specified front-line combatant unit, or 90 days or more detention as a prisoner held by the enemy. The 90 days service 'front-line' service criteria is waived in respect of those who might have been 'Wounded-in-Action'
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Code: 23340

20.00 GBP