203 items found
Interallied Victory Medal (P-2676 Pte. G. H. Wilkinson. M.F.P)

Interallied Victory Medal (P-2676 Pte. G. H. Wilkinson. M.F.P)

Wounded-in-Action: The recipient, George Henry Wilkinson is confirmed having been a casualty of the '100 Days' Campaign of 1918, when he was 'Wounded-in-Action' in France, while serving with the 2nd Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment.

Notification of the recipient being wounded was published in the Weekly Casualty List issue of 17 September 1918, under the 'War Office Dai...  read more

Code: 24721


Silver War Badge (31799:) Awarded to 2375 Lance Corporal Alexander Mitchell Stott, Royal Highlanders (Black Watch)

Silver War Badge (31799:) Awarded to 2375 Lance Corporal Alexander Mitchell Stott, Royal Highlanders (Black Watch)

Awarded in respect of being 'Wounded-in-Action; and discharged as a consequence of no longer being fit for military service

The Silver War Badge complete with its long hinged-pin & clasp fittings to reverse, and as issued

Wounded-in-Action: The recipient was 'Wounded' in France & Flanders in October 1914. The 'Daily Record and Mail' issue of 26 November 1914, is qu...  read more

Code: 24720


India General Service 1908-35. GV 1st issue with clasp 'Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919' (338. Gnr.-Nk. Yusaf Khan, 2 K.M. Bty.)

India General Service 1908-35. GV 1st issue with clasp 'Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919' (338. Gnr.-Nk. Yusaf Khan, 2 K.M. Bty.)

Recipient was a Naik (Corporal) serving with the 2nd Kashmir Mountain Battery, an artillery unit of the of the Jammu & Kashmir Indian Princely States Forces

Scarce seen medal on the market named to 2nd Kashmir Mountain Battery

Condition: Toned GVF  read more

Code: 24719

90.00 GBP

India General Service Medal Medal 1908-35. GV silver 1st issue with clasp 'Malabar 1921-22' (3095 Rfmn. Man Sing  Chaudri, 1-18 R. Garh Rfls.)

India General Service Medal Medal 1908-35. GV silver 1st issue with clasp 'Malabar 1921-22' (3095 Rfmn. Man Sing Chaudri, 1-18 R. Garh Rfls.)

The recipient was an Indian soldier of Garhwali ethnicity and the Hindu faith, who held the rank of Rifleman while serving with the 1st Battalion Royal Garhwal Rifles, a crack infantry regiment of the British Indian Army

Reference 'British Battles & Medals' (Seventh edition, 2006) the regiment is shown as present and entitled to the clasp. This medal and clasp was the medal and c...  read more

Code: 24717

185.00 GBP

Indian General Service Medal. GV 2nd issue with clasp 'Burma 1930-32' (4677. Sep. Pir Dad, 2-15 Punjab R.)

Indian General Service Medal. GV 2nd issue with clasp 'Burma 1930-32' (4677. Sep. Pir Dad, 2-15 Punjab R.)

The recipient was by ethnicity and faith a Punjabi Mussalman soldier serving with the 2nd Battalion 15th Punjab Regiment of the British Indian Army

During the Second World War 2/15th Punjab served in India, Singapore, Borneo and Netherlands East Indies, in which latter - after an epic fighting retreat from Borneo - the survivors of the battalion were captured and interred by the ...  read more

Code: 24716

85.00 GBP

Indian General Service Medal. GV 2nd issue with clasp 'Mohmand 1933' (TB-172769 Dvr. Bagh Ali, 39 A.T. Coy.)

Indian General Service Medal. GV 2nd issue with clasp 'Mohmand 1933' (TB-172769 Dvr. Bagh Ali, 39 A.T. Coy.)

The recipient by ethnicity and faith was a Punjabi Musalman soldier who held the rank of Driver while serving with the 39th Animal Transport Company of the British Indian Army. The prefix TB indicating he was an enrolled member of the Transport Branch

The silk medal riband fitted with a cast white metal mounting bar. This latter complete with hinged pin and clasp fittings
...  read more

Code: 24715


India General Service 1908-35. GV first issue with 2 x clasps 'Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919' & 'North West Frontier 1930-31' (405 Const. Sardar Khan, Z.L. Police.)

India General Service 1908-35. GV first issue with 2 x clasps 'Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919' & 'North West Frontier 1930-31' (405 Const. Sardar Khan, Z.L. Police.)

Upper clasp attached by a customary metal rod

The recipient was a locally enlisted Pathan of the Mussalman faith, from the Pashtun speaking area of Baluchistan (now Balochistan) who held the rank of Constable when he earned his India General Service Medal while serving with the 'Zhob-Loralai Police'

In 1919, the Headquarters of the Zhob-Loralai Police was located a...  read more

Code: 24500

145.00 GBP

Cabul Medal 1842 (First Afghan War). With 'Victoria Vindex' obverse legend and 'Cabul 1842' reverse

Cabul Medal 1842 (First Afghan War). With 'Victoria Vindex' obverse legend and 'Cabul 1842' reverse

The 'Wyon' engraver name under the bust worn & now barely visible

This example fitted with a claw and florate swivel suspension

An un-named and un-marked Royal Mint struck medal

Reference 'Early Indian Campaigns and the Decorations Awarded for them (Major H. Biddulph, N&M reprint 2005), it is estimated that 3500 x medals awarded to Europeans and 1247...  read more

Code: 24535


49th Regiment of Foot: Temperance Medal 1837 (T. Hyder Cr. Serjt. Septr. 1838.)

49th Regiment of Foot: Temperance Medal 1837 (T. Hyder Cr. Serjt. Septr. 1838.)

- Metal: Silver (not hallmarked)

- Dimension: 41mm

- Weight (inc riband): 35g

Obverse: A Victorian Crown above a wreath of shamrocks and thistles united by a rose; within the wreath ‘49’, legend ‘P. Charlotte of Wales

Reverse: A wreath of oak and laurel ‘April 17, 1837’, with legend ‘Temperance Society Established’

Suspe...  read more

Code: 24534

295.00 GBP

Scinde Medal 1843. With 'Hyderabad 1843' reverse. Contemporary engraved naming (Private Dowlut Ram. 6th Regt. N.I.)

Scinde Medal 1843. With 'Hyderabad 1843' reverse. Contemporary engraved naming (Private Dowlut Ram. 6th Regt. N.I.)

The medal pierced with contemporary replacement silver ring and straight silver looped suspender

The recipient was an Indian soldier of the Hindu faith holding the rank of Private while serving with the 6th Regiment of Native Infantry, a unit of the Bombay Presidency Army of the Honourable East India Company

Provenance: Spink, August 1988

The 6th Reg...  read more

Code: 24533

795.00 GBP